Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some notes i've picked up.

Sorry for the lack of posting - I've been getting myself together between finishing up finals, and getting back home to Texas (I honestly wish that I stayed up in Philly, as much as I am enjoying the weather here...!)

Since the time here will be too short to work, I'll be using these next three weeks to get my technique with watercolor together. As much as I love it, oil just isn't working for me... yet. So I'll be training myself with watercolor, and seeing if I can get some instruction from my professor on acrylics, which he suggested. As far as oils - since I still have a bunch, they'll be practiced when I have the time. I'm confident on my drawing skills - it's just that paint!

I decided to go ahead and buy a watercolor book - I wish I could get a subscription, but I don't enjoy the prospect of not knowing if or when i'd get my magazines, since i'm not always settled in a location, or having to ship every issue to where I am at the moment.

Upon some inspection, I have found an interesting prospect - doing an underpainting even for watercolor. I didn't think it would work honestly - I thought it'd wash out... but many people seem to insist on it to bring out those other subtle warm and cool colors, for both people and objects. How about that? I'll have to try it out soon, if not tonight.

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